flashscan8.us discontinues MWA representation, expands into Moving Image Tools and Technology with new website
As of September 1, 2018, we have chosen to discontinue representation of MWA Film Scanner products. We have good regard for the designers and products in general.
Our issues are with support in the US.
This was a hard decision to make after 11 years of representing MWA in North America, but we value relationships with customers.
If you are a US owner of MWA equipment, please contact the factory directly for support.
This website has being updated to reflect these changes, along with migration to our umbrella company, Moving Image Tools and Technology at www.MovingImageTools.com
You’ll find much of the legacy and new technology found on the flashscan8.us website there, as we refresh and realign.
You’ll find our brands Zin VTR Works, FXSYS Particle Transfer Rollers, and an expanding range of Moving Image Tools and Technology there.
We thank you for your business, and support. Please click here to find our new on-line home!